4 de agosto de 2006


Ao NS, que me descobriu na blogosfera e cujo som dos passos, mesmo que perdidos na capital, se continua a ouvir nesta província adormecida.

"I say the floor here, now bare, this strip of floor, once was carpeted, a deep pile. Till one night, while still little more than a child, she called her mother and said, Mother, this is not enough. The mother: Not enough? May - the child's given name - May: Not enough. The mother: What do you mean, May, not enough, what can you possibly mean, May, not enough? May: I mean, Mother, that I must hear the feet, however faint they fall. The mother: The motion alone is not enough? May: No, Mother, the motion alone is not enough, I must hear the feet, however faint they fall."

Samuel Beckett, "Footfalls", The Complete Dramatic Works. London: Faber and Faber, 1986.

1 comentário:

Nuno Serra disse...

Quando encontrei o teu blog e o comecei a ler, ocorreu-me de imediato 'arrumar as botas'. Ainda hesitei de facto, meu Caro Pedro, e depois acabei por considerar que o melhor era beneficiar deste estímulo para progredir.
Um grande abraço,